The Minister of Discontent (Sculpture)

How it started
Here is a short story of how a little sculpture I was making became something else than planned. I called him 'The Minister Of Discontent' and he was supposed to be a part of a bigger project for casting.
As usual I worked in traditional clay (with minimal grog). The sculpting went fast, but then I had to put on hold because of other work. I tried to keep the Minister humid, but something must have gone wrong there and he dried up to much... I finished by scratching the Minister only (meaning I didn't wet him down adding new parts which could cause in cracking). When he had dried for more than another month time had come to burn him.
Well, unfortunately he came back in pieces.

The nice lady who helped me out with the burning called me one evening, stumbling on words, to explain that the little statue exploded in the oven! When I picked the Minister up he was in a bag in pieces. I kept him there for quite a while before I decided to put him together – maybe because his state somehow fitted his discontent. I selected the most useful pieces and though many where missing, it didn't look impossible to still have him in 'a piece'. Even if the result would look more like an archaeological finding in a museum then planned...

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The final look of the fixed skulpture. Its somehow ancient look presents itself properly in the Hall of Ministers. Maybe this artefact actually should reside in the Archeological department instead..?

By exploding – the Minister definitely lives up to his position. A great example of bad tensions mattering.